Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wednesday race with Danièle and Jimmy

Danièle and I got to the club early.  Danièle decided her good deed was to wash Jimmy's boat.  It was covered with the yellowish sap marks that were very hard to take off.  

We found out it was going to be the Hugh Kennedy race and the course was to upwind to AD 22, AD 28 and a club finish.   Winds were from south.

Norm was on BBQ duty and Chris was going to a. Wedding rehearsal in Ottawa the next day, so it was only Danièle, Jimmy and me. Julian was looking to crew so we invited him to join us.

Winds were forecasted at 10 knots, but were actually 15.  Good thing we switched to the 135 furling sail.

We had an okay start, with lots of dirty air from competing boats.  We tacked eastward and stayed with a lift that bought us too far and when we tacked, we got knocked which killed our speed.  Other boats who timed it better, were all ahead.

We never caught up, but we were able to pass Limmoncello twice, not a big deal.  

Back at the harbour, we tried out jimmy's single malt, which was excellent.  Jimmy went home.  Danièle and I BBQ 1/2 the pork tenderloin. 

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at