Daniele had to go to the clinic to get her shoulder checked out. We swapped cars so she could park in Westmount.
I went to the club early to install a new main halyard and fold the 150 genoa into the new sausage bag and helped Norm install the newly repaired main sail and the wi-fi antenna.
Daniele showed up about six and was very hungry and did not really want to go out. She almost immediately noticed the new halyard. The halyard was thinner but the same colour scheme. And it worked much better than the larger halyard that the previous owner installed.
I convinced her and we had a great sail to Grande Anse. 6+ knots in a crimson sunset and had a nice big T-bone (steak). Redline was there, Flirtation without an anchor light. We had a hard time seeing another power boat without an anchor light.
She was very happy that we went out that night. The night was super calm.
Next morning Redline left for Soulange and we follow in the early afternoon. We tied up to Redline and Tara showed up later about cocktail hour. We were enjoying Norms infamous margaritas. We all had supper in Redline when Zig-Zag showed up and tied up to Bellum. Redline had steak, Tara had steak and we had a flattened Portuguese chicken.
Sunday Reline left for supper with Louise. Later Zig-Zag left and we we hung around.Tara had supper aboard Bellum. We dined inside because the sun had set (beautifully) and the cockpit started dewing up.
Monday Tara left earlier, we napped and swam and then headed back. My house battery was dead from refrigeration and wash-down activities. (I washed Bellum on Sunday morning).
We motored back and had a real great Schewan dinner at
Cuisine Szechuan