Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Annual Regatta

Daniele showed up about 9:30.  She felt like racing and so did I.  We had offers to join Patrick and Richard (Ghost Owl).  We thought we'd go on our own.  Winds were strong.  We were determined to give our first regatta for quite a few years.

Peter had canceled because he had a gig.  Norm had a funeral to go to.

There was one start for all the fleets.  Winds were 11 to 13 knots.

I helmed the first race and half way through, Daniele had problems winching so she took the helm and she helmed the rest of the races.

The first race we started fairly well and did fairly well.

Third race, we missed the start because someone was in the head when the race clock started (5 minutes) and we were 3 minutes late.  But we caught up to Gaucho and Limoncello.

After the race, we went out and sailed a bit but decided to come back since the weather was not good for anchoring.

We had lunch and BBQ supper at dock and slept aboard. Tired and sore of the winching.

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at