Friday, September 14, 2018

Sandbars and Kahnawake marina

A lonely weekend alone on the lake.

On Friday Jimmy had to cancel sailing because her seamstress called in sick and he had to close the shop at six

I went to the club.  I was going to help Ted with Cygnus.  Ted was on the lawn having an Ice Tea.  I told him I would meet him at the boat in 10 minutes.  I had to put the groceries away.  Scott had charged Ted's batteries and Ted left the motor running to charge the batteries.  <gees>.  Took me 15 minutes to put the groceries away and checked my oils.  I came to Cygnus and the motor was off. I went to look for Ted but apparently, he had left.

I left the harbour at 4.  Sailed the club channel to the sandbars with just the headsail doing 2-4 knots. Winds died as I anchored.  Zig-Zag, Fugu and Gaucho came out later but probably never made it to the gut.  Beautiful sunset.

Gaucho sailing
Next day I got up and there were no winds.  I told Manon and she decided to cancel so she could work on her new CRM.

Audrey sailed by the church and I texted her.  She sailing well.  Shortly after that, the wind died and she came to the sandbars, about 1/2 a mile west of me.

Then the winds picked up, I put up the sails and sailed for 45 minutes and then the winds detdeterioratedI anchored near Gaucho and dinghy to her for a beer.  Later they took off with the spinnaker and I came back on Bellum.

On the way to Kahnawake
I took a nap and at 5:30 decided to go to Kahnawake marina.  The sun was setting and I gunned it through the zig-zag channel.  The dinghy got swamped.  The D-ring tore off and lost the paddles and yoga mat.

Docked at the marina. Landon Goodleaf, the manager bought me a beer.  Nice place, nice people.  Could not handle another beer if I wanted to safely leave the marina and anchor.  There was no food and I was getting hungry.

Left the marina and anchored just outside the breakwater, had some chicken and slept well.

The next morning I motored back to the club.  The anemometer was covered by spider web so I docked at the service dock, did a pump out and carefully maneuvered the boat the sheer legs and de-spidered the anemometer and straightened the tails of the windex.

Motored back to my dock to charge the battery a bit and wash the deck of all the bugs from two nights at anchor.

Norm and Chris showed up 20 minutes later before I could give the boat a good cleaning, but the cockpit was proper.  We raced.  (next blog entry)

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