Friday, July 30, 2021

Private Lessons and a cancelled FFR

I went sailing with Nicolas and Melanie on Friday morning for 2.5 hours and Tim in the afternoon for 2.5 hours.  These were the first private lessons I gave.  In the afternoon, I reefed the main using lines from Bellum.

My regular Friday Fun race crew all abandoned me.  Asked about 8 persons and nobody was available.  I got two from Adult sailing graduates.  

In the end, the race was cancelled due to excessive winds.  

So I chatted with Paul and Audrey and had supper at the club with them.

Bette Noir, Treize and Slow Dancer went out.  Michel and Nadine went out with Bette Noir.  Temperatrure was about 17 C

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at