Sunday, October 24, 2021

Final Frostbite - avec Sylvie Maud Claire

Wow, we did all 12 races!  DNF one race!  

In the first race, we did poorly.  Second race we beat Slow Dancer, the Third race wind dies at the start.  We could not get to the start line for 15 minutes.  The course was shortened to one sausage and we made it back in as last.  But we did not abandon.  Two races were dropped.

The weather was forecast to be 3 C at 9am but it turned out to be 6 and got quite warm.  I did bike to the club in the morning.

After the race, I helped Redline and Flow Control put away their sails, pump out, refuelling and we took a dinghy ride on Redline's dinghy around the range and Dorval Island to discharge my Torqeedo battery.

Bellum is still rigged in the hope of more sailing for 2021.  Because I can.

It was balmy ... for October

The third start was a pain.  15 minutes to cross the line.

We win for particaption!

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Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at