Saturday, July 29, 2023

Duggan on Gaucho - WE Win!

Slyvie cancelled on me for the race a few days before, Maud was going to Gaspe (too last minute), Sylvie, Allan, Darla Lori were not available  and there was Audrey.  She was not certain, but it turned out she was availble, but wanted to take Gaucho.  I agreed.

The weekend forecast was supposed to be great.  We organized food and stuff on Saturday morning. I insisted we use my 10 KG Bruce. Not too confident with her Danforth or 11 LB Bruce.

Overnight was
cold for August
Departure was mildy drizzly, departed about 2:30, arrived at 5.  Dissidence, Fugu, Zig-Zag were there and L'isle showed up about 6:30.  Flew the drone. Kelly lost her iPhone.  

Chairman meeting, bitching about club, AQVA, Salute to Patrick.

Next morning the partipants were undecisivie on a starting time. So we all We all started at diffent times and took our start and finish times.  We were second, and easlily passed L'Isle, difficulties finding marks with poor binoculars and no SLYVA marks on chart apps.  We did failry well.  L'Isle did not do the uwind leg and reported the wrong mark when he finished ahead of us.  Disqualified.  Fugu, Zig Zag and DIssidense did not do the course, deciding to sail back through the Seaway.

Winds were good and got stronger.  Mostly broad reach, with a good upwind leg in West winds.

Gaucho Track

Receiving the trophy for the skipper

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at