Saturday, September 9, 2023

Hugh Kennedy - NOT - just sailing with Scarlett

Actual winds

Actual Winds

No winds in forecast so on Friday evening, we decided to call off the race for BELLUM. Bad choice IMHO.  Seven boats went out on Saturday morning and sailed for 3.5 to 4.5 hours.  

Scarett picked me up at home at 1:30 and we sailed from the Gut to Dowkers, and then motored to St. Anne de Bellevue, docked BBQ corn, barvette and potatoes and several salads that Scarlett brought. 

After supper, we walked the docks and the boardwalk.  Then we motored out in darkness with a flashlight through the breakwater, motored to Dowkers and then sailed in beam to close reach in 2 to 3.5 knot.  About 10, we passed the church, we started the motor to return to the club just after 11.  Scarlett tried docking but we turned too late and I took over at the last minute.  Scarlett drove home as I slept aboard. 


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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at