Friday, October 13, 2023

October overnight

 Afer Yoga, on a Friday 13rh, I biked to to Aubut to get groceries, back home and then on to the club.  

I set sail in strong winds with the 155 reefed, eventually unreefing in a beam reach from the North. Deciding on Dowkers South or Grand Anse, I ended up tucking in Grand Anse.  

Possibly I was going to stay there for Patrick's ceremony, but evenutally it was decided we would go together on Redline.  

It was about six degrees, but quite warm under two blankets.  

Got up about 9, pulled anchor at 10, sailed in a run, gradually veering to a close reach, arriving at the club 12:15.  Engine did not start easily.  It did not seem that cold, but maybe the engine was cold.  

There was a partial eclipse in the morning.

Chris and Norm were there to help me dock, folded Flow Control head sail and headed to the bar for Patrick's ceremony.

October foilage

Saturday Morning

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at