Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sackets Harbor and Cape Vincent

In the morning, we left the anchorage and docked at the village of Sackets Harbor, thinking fill water tank, but on the public dock there is only electricity.

We toured the town and the historical sites.

We discovered that both water tank valves were open so we were draining from both tanks.

Nice long sail to Cape Vincent.  Motored for an hour, nice close haul north and then the winds died.

I accidentally hit MOB on GPS and spent 30 minutes trying to cancel the MOB.  Winds by then was very light.

Gased up and refilled both water tanks at Cape Vincent.

Got an unnecessary pump out to keep the GF happy.

Got liquor at the CAPE VINCENT liquor store. The owner liked Canadians.  Gave us a 10 % discount.

Had supper at  Captain Jacks.  We sat on the patio, but the scenery was not so great.  Had a big pizza and had leftovers for breakfast. Love cold pizza in the morning.

Back at the boat, it is the party with disco music and lighting. A gang of Quebec are partying. They are about 8 boats and engines are super organized. Sound system, lighting, chairs, tables, BBQ and so on. At 11:00 p.m. all over, silence settles and everyone starts to snore ...

We spent the next day at Cape Vincent.  Did Groceries, bought a long sleeve shirt.  Getting cold.

We spent the afternoon with scotch and beer at a gazebo near the washrooms charging our i-devices and Daniele's Macbook.

A CS30 came in under strong winds.  I went to help them dock.  He was from PCYC. Another CS 33 came in.  He was a friend of the first one.  A third came in afterwards.  It turned out to be Dominque.  a friend of Andre and the former owner of a CS 30 that I was looking at buying in March.

They went off for supper in town.

We went to bed and the next morning, we got up early and they were all gone.

We set off for a nice sail to Clayton.

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at   https://bellumicwbah.blogspot.com/