Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Club Championships 2 - insane winds

 Norm and I took Shark 4 for the second seedings for the club championships.

Winds were supposed to be strong with gusts to 23 knots or so.  We watched Shark 2 go out at 4:45 and it looked a little tough.

We got out at 5:30.  The winds did pick up at 6 and were quite wet by 6:30.  It had fun.  Pierre's shark lost the halyard at the beginning of the first race.

We got the boat to plane.  It was awesome.

We were last but we did our course.  The final gype into the harbour was a little haphazard as we struggled to un-cleat the main. 

I changed clothes and decided to ride home on my bike but on the way to the bike, I went to say Hi to Mike and was invited to supper of marinated pork chop and macaroni salad.  

I slept aboard and biked to my meeting the next morning.

final results 

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at