Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Shana, Gigi, Tonip and Benny

Tuesday was supposed to be a nice hot sunny day, Wednesday was supposed to be really rainy.

I had to work Mondays so Tuesday was an excellent

So we went out looking for a nice wild warm day of sailing.  We departed about 3, passing Tara and Slow Dancer.

For the most part, winds were calm from the south.  Sailed from the channel past Dowkers and back,  A few sprinkles of rain or splash.  The sky was mostly cloudy with a few holes to let sun rays in.

I got stung by a wasp on the left side of my chin while putting the fenders down.  Benadryl and afterbite.

We got back to the dock about 7 as the sky opened with a quick short heavy shower.  Tidy up the boat and went home.

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at   https://bellumicwbah.blogspot.com/