Saturday, August 30, 2014

Last Saturday fun race with Alan and Marie

Last minute call to Alan and they were able to make it to the last Friday fun race on Saturday at 10AM

I got there early to prepare Bellum (moving safety stuff from Cygnus to Bellum) and inspect Josh's work on the anchor locker.  As always it looked good.

Pressure water pump was DEAD :(

Nigel decided on a gold cup course instead of the traditional pursuit race.  He also forecasted winds would increase from 8 knots to 11 knots.

We took off at 10:20 ish, trying to sail, but the winds were too close.  I had to get the crew up to speed with tacking and so on.  Forget explaining what a gybe was.  We go the hang of it.  We were early for the start and sailed to the pin instead of RC.  We were going fast, but in a bad position, too low down.

 At the last leg of the Gold Cup, winds died we drifted back through the finish line, loosing time to those ahead of us.  Once we finished, winds appeared to pick up.Or maybe we were no longer down wind.

We beat Nigel who had put up a small headsail in anticipation for stronger winds.

Rafted up at the sand banks.  Redline came by but could not tie up.  Tara II came by.  Party !  Lots of drinking

Supper was pork chops, with sauted mushrooms and cole slaw and macaroni salad. 

Sailed back in the dark.  Lousy lousy docking when we missed the stern docking line

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at