Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday Race

Daniele picked me up at the office and grabbed a McLunch.

Redline was at the service dock, I went to say hi when the club called to tell me I had a visitor walking in the harbour.  My prospective buyer for Cygnus.

We showed Cygnus to AndrĂ©.  He appeared interested.

Afterwards we went to visit Redline. Chris showed up.  We set out sailing with a southeast wind out the channel.

We put up the main and No. 1.

We crossed the line early and turned back and went out again.  Tara II almost hit our aft.  There was a general recall.  We kept going.  I figured if it was a not general recall, we were in a good position.  It was a general recall and we came back to start again.

We came in last ... four minutes behind Tara II, something is wrong.

We also figured out that the jib sheets were incorrectly rigged.  We were not using the aft block.  This improved the use of the genoa track.

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at