We went out in very light winds thinking we probably would not race. We were Jimmy, Chris and James and yours truly.
I packed the 155 but was too lazy to put it on. James and Chris showed up just before 5:30 making it hard to put up the 155 with just Jimmy. Norm was right (this time)
James has very little sailing but was fun and entertaining and too the photos and videos in this blog entry.
Chris took the helm. winds picked up and we did come in second in our fleet.
Keith tried to barge us out at the start line...
The new whisker pole did very well. Need to mark the pole with the positions for each head sail and maybe the configuration of the sails.
We came in second and had a great BBQ at the club.
Chris did not wear boat shoes and scuffed up the cockpit. He said he tested them, but not sure on whose boat did he test them on. :(