Tuesday, August 11, 2020

No race Tuesday

On Tuesday evening I raced to the club for the Tuesday DNS after doing groceries at Costco.  Maud came late as I scrambled to the pool because Rod Hayes suggested Chantal Leger was. 

The radar showed the rain was going to pass North, but a new system formed that hit us hard while we were still at the dock. Ghost Owl, Andiamo, smoke on the water had already gone out and Exixar was returning from Dowkers.  I saw 40 knots of wind on Bellum.

Richard said he has never seen anything so hard on the lake.

Maud and I chatted until the storm was over.  Then I had a Perroni beer with Veronica.

The boat was a mess as on Monday I emptied the v-berth to install the holding tank level alarm.  I did this the next morning and put everything away.

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at   https://bellumicwbah.blogspot.com/