Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Soulanges single-handed

On Wednesday morning, I departed the club in a Western wind at 11:30. Without any plans, I motor to the channel rolled out the jib and tacked to the Gut and beyond ... all the way to Soulange.  Overall I probably used 20 minutes on the iron sail without the probing of the Soulange lock.

Met Serenity at the windmill point channel   She is a Mirage 30.  

Serenity from Bellum

Bellum from Serenity

Mike, a power boater moved his Seadog out of the way and helped me dock at the block. He also offered a cheeseburger.

Nice night, clear sky, Perseids Meteor Showers.  Saw one big meteor, and a satellite or two.

The next day there was no wind.  I lingered around.  I went for a walk. Mike departs with his powerboat, generator and other toys.  Two more powerboats tie up to the block but have no concepts of what a spring line does.

I did not race.  I thought they might not race with the light winds.  It turns out but they did the race.

I saw no Perseids tonight.

The winds overnight were from North and Bellum was swaying up and down against the cement block sanding down my fenders.  At 3 AM I moved from the block to anchor.  It was an un-nerving to move the boat off a cement block single-handed.

The next morning I sailed back to the club with a North Eastern wind.  Mostly tacking with oscillating winds. Very little motoring. Winds were oscillating with a 5 minute period.

Very nice three days in solitude.

I lounged around the club awaiting the FFR.

A great getaway - Soledad.

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Departure on a great adventure

Brian and I departed the Royal ona great adventure  Follow BELLUM at