Friday, June 28, 2024

FFR pursuit race cancelled - no winds. Anchor issue

The Duggan Cup has been cancelled due to in-climate weather. Scheduled for next weekend

Rachel, Ming, Chiheb and Scarlett join Bellum for the FFR pursuit race and raft up.  The afternoon was windy but I had to wait for the crew. 

We motored to the start line and the wind died.  We waited for half an hour and the race was cancelled.  I came back anchored and rafted up with Trieze, Slow Dancer, Esmarlada, and Shark 6.

The newly rebuilt BBQ worked okay, but not as well as the old Kettle.  BBQ roasted vegetables and pork tenderloin.  

When it came time to weigh anchor, the anchor got wrapped around the keel again, like last July 19.  But after over an hour of work, we got the anchor back and headed back to the club arriving at 23:45 to find the club doors were locked and my car did not work.  Not what was promised to me.  Crew needed the bathrooms.  Ernie was there to open the door for us.

I came back to the boat, had a shot of 12 YO, did the dishes and went to bed.  The next morning, I washed the bugs off the boat, did YOGA and came home after doing some groceries at BinMart.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Slow Dancer II with 7

Winds were supposed to be 16 gusting 23.  Brian was asking if I could crew.  I told him we were three.  He was also 3 but more competitive and wanted more ballast. Daniil came to make 4.  Peter, Brian, Dale, Daniil, Scarlett, Maud and me were there.

My crew decided to join Slow Dancer II.  The winds never died.  

Exciting start when Breakaway was barging and Ad-Lib let him in but it was wild.

 The race lasted 45 minutes.  We were fast.  

Scarlett, Maud, Dale and I stayed for supper.

I slept aboard.  Been there since Wednesday - returning from Champlain.

BELLUM fixes

 Bellum got a new Gypsy on the Lewmar Windlass

Old gypsy

Rebuilt Magma BBQ with a new burner, flavour plate and grill grate.

Light re-lube of primary winches and new springs for the gripper

New springs on stripper

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

S1 R6 - NOT

Too tired to race.

Was asking Mark if he was racing.  Louise was in Lac St. Jean.  He was going to discuss it but he never got back to me.

Jacques asked me, but I had a doctor's appointment ... too tired after St. Jean Baptist to get back to the club.

Monday, June 24, 2024

St Jean fireworks

The day was very wet.  At about 3, the rain stopped and the sky cleared.

I biked to the club, stopping at Audrey's to drop off some binoculars for her. We chatted and then I continued to the club.

Deciding between cycling to Pointe Claire or sailing to Pointe-Claire, I sailed .. actually motored.  

Walked to the club, met Bill and we went for Smoked Meat, served by AQVA. Bill returned to the club as I walked around the village and returned to the club and had a beer with Bill and his sightseeing crew.  Played with the club raccoons.

I went out and anchored.  Mike was about to anchor and he called to see where I was. I invited him to raft up with Bellum. He was alone too. We had some scotch and Canadian whisky while enjoying the fireworks and bugs.  

After he departed, I went to sleep.

The next morning, I was mildly hung over.  

At 8, I hauled anchor with the engine as the winds made it hard to pull the anchor rode manually as the windlass was still unserviceable.  

Came back to the club intending to go to Champlain.  I decided to call my family doctor to have a look at my bruised rib from my incident at the dock with Claire on June 13.  He had a cancellation at 3PM so I took it.  

Instead of rushing home, I pushed my Champlain trip to tomorrow, tidied up my locker a bit, and drained the engine sump of water.  I BBQ the bavette I planned for the fireworks.

At 1, I biked to the bank, Boathouse which was closed and a liquidation center in VSP then to my doctor. 

After that I was tired and hungry so I dropped into the food bank for either an early supper or late lunch.

Came home and napped.  I was wiped out.

Friday, June 21, 2024

FFR - NOT - Single handed to bay between LRYC and BYC

We were supposed to do the FFR race and have a BBQ with the Strawberry full moon and solstice.

Chiheb came with Barvette and Potatoe Salad.  Winds were dead, and turnout was poor with 4 boats from the Royal and 3 from PCYC.  We cancelled.  

I asked Chiheb to return home and I hung around the club. I was tired.

Winds picked up and at 18:30 I took off on a broad reach to the gut and anchored in the bay between LRYC and BYC.  

The next morning, I pulled up the Bruce and sailed in very light winds.  After about 45 minutes, the current was creating more apparent wind and I motored back for Yoga, boat wash and the Donners cocktail.  

Eager Beaver was also cancelled due to a lack of winds.

Then I biked home for a showery Sunday of 40-50 mm rain.

Hoping it clears up for St Jean fireworks on Monday evening.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

GNS S2 R5 - Slow Dancer II

I came to the club on Thursday by bike and EXO train. I mostly came back home to get my laptop with Maximizer.

Looking for a boat to crew on, Sven was not going out, Espresso-X had her full crew complement, but Slow Dancer II took me on with Peter and Daniell.  

Good race.  I learnt a few things like the importance of rail meat, 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sail Past with Eve

The original sail past was cancelled due to weather.

Eve came out with me.  We sailed a little and then the winds died.  We were motoring behind Peter M.  Yikes.  And David W was behind me yelling WTF are you doing?

Bubblies afterwards.  Met Norm and Louise.  And Peter and Diane.  

I biked to Rachel for Lobster.  

On Monday I biked back to the club and then to Brian's for more Lobster.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Strathcona with Norm and Maud

Scarlett came down with COVID and we declined to have her sail with us. So it was only me, Norm and Maud.

Winds were forecasted from the North so we decided to sail White Sail.  The race was mostly a reach with a small upwind leg. Winds did vary a fair bit.

We kept up with Slow Dancer II for a while until we got to Dowkers and then we fell behind.  

We came out 7 out of 14 with four boats DNF.

I am hearing we needed more rail meat.

After the race, Flirtation hit me ... again

Friday, June 14, 2024

FFR on Velocità

I was invited to race on Velocità, a First 35 with Mark, Louise and Elenia.  Elenia was prone to seasickness, but she did not.

The boat sailed well but was very tough to manage as the lines were badly sized and winches were undersized ... for seniors.

Nice sail, good start.  We did well.  And we got back by the Sabbath.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Race S2 R4 with Claire and Scarlett - Abandoned

 Maud had a meeting and could not make it on time.

I moved the boat to the sheer legs to work on the Windex.  A power boat - MONA was blocking the sheer legs.  David and Mark helped me move Mona.

I placed Bellum to the sheer leg when Claire came and helped with the boat at the sheer legs.  Decided to epoxy the Windex. But I did not.  Just more rigging tape.

Claire tried to help me get off the boat to the high dock at the sheer legs.  I hurt a rib and my right arm - again.

Scarlett showed up late and we motored to the race course.  

Winds died.  We were last.  The race was cancelled due to a lack of wind.  

We sailed back on a run.  Supper on the balcony. 

Dowkers and back - weather ???

Working on the boat since the residential building is a mess.

At 3, I decided to go anchor to spend the night and pick up the crew at PCYC.  After anchoring at Dowkers with the Bruce, I took a nap.  At 7:40, I rechecked the weather and looked like gusts of 24 knots tomorrow.  Having the Bruce I decided to sail back to the club.  Pulling the Bruce was not so bad.  I had a run back to the club arriving at 9.  Just over an hour !

The next day at noon was faily calm

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Race S1 R4 with Norm and Andrey

Weather looked nice and I invited Norm and Andrey for the Tuesday race.

We got together for an early departure at 5 PM so we sailed from the club channel to the main lake and sailed around waiting for the start.  Andrey helmed the boat before the race and Norm helmed the race.

We had a very good start. But it seemed downhill from there on. Race results are not in yet.

Supper at the club.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


This morning I was walking on the lawn and saw a pair of scissors on the gravel near the lockers.

They were expensive and looked like the ones Sylvie had.  I texted a picture of it to her, hoping it was no so I could keep it.  They were her's.  She had been looking for them.

Sail Past was cancelled due to wind and rain.  Eve had cancelled due to rain. Jimmy declined.  Helen was coming with bagels and lox but cancelled since the event was cancelled.

Sylvie and I decided to go sailing.  Departed about noon, had a great sail in strong and highly oscillating winds.  Came back on a broad reach at 7.8 knots.  The depth gauge was working much better.

We saw the QC shark championships at BYC.

I stayed around trying to clean the cockpit.  Wind and rain were spotty and I did not want to stay for Sail Past supper so I took the bus home.

Friday, June 7, 2024

FFR cancelled - I was supposed to be on RC.

 Milan and Sasha could not make it tonight and I had a provisionary crew - Andreanne who could not, so I volunteered to be on RC with Rod and Mark.

I had a drone class downtown and it was raining so I took the BMW instead of the bike.  We finished early so I got to the club earlier than expected.  Most decided the weather was too wet and windy.  I thought it was okay.  The race was cancelled.  I bought my stuff to the boat and saw a party on Esmeralla so I joined them. 

The party finished at 9.  The rain did not materialize.  Nice rainbow.  I decided to sleep aboard.

Internet on Harbour was intermittent.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Valleyfield to PCYC avec Andre

Peter K asked me on Sunday to see if I can help his friend Andre from PCYC to get his new C&C30 MKII.  

So Monday night I slept at the boat and met Andre at 7 AM to drive to Valleyfield to bring his boat to PCYC.

Andre is a pleasant fellow.  Made it from 8AM to 2PM.  Not much waiting anywhere.  

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Single handed to Sandbars and Dowkers

Saturday morning, nobody signed up from the Single Sailing group.  I took some drone photos of the pool and tennis courts.

At 11, I took off in light winds.  Saw the Quebec Open Laser 28's.

Wind died and I anchored south of SLYVA31 at 1 PM with the new anchor ball.  Took a nap.

At 4, the winds picked up.  I decided to haul anchor.  The windlass was acting up.  Looks like the gypsy was warped.  Eventually, I got the anchor up. 

Sailed around and I ended up putting down sails after Lord Reading and motored to Dowkers.  The depth sounder was acting up as usual this season.  Dowker Bay was quite full and I did not feel like I needed to explore so I anchored a little further out than normal.  Winds were light.

The next morning, I got up early, pulled anchor and motored back to the club for the fleamarket. The windlass still had little problems even in light winds. The attendance at the fleamarket was poor. 

Helped Sylvie install boom.

An old car was driven over the bank into the water near Duggan House.

I biked downtown and tried Grillades Torino.  It was okay, the chicken was too salty.  Watched THEMTHEM

Coast Guard inspecting boats at Dowkers.  Not Me.

Systems check with Chiheb and Brian

Norm bought me an 8 HP Johnson/  Saturday Brian came up from Vermont.  Chieb came helped prepare BELLUM for her big adventure. Set up new ch...